Saturday, 22 October 2011

Occupy “For”, Not “Against”

Having seen a friend’s link to a video entitled, “David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor”, I took the time to listen for once. I am not an avid fan of Mr Icke’s, though he speaks a lot of sense at times, but it just felt right to do so and I must say that I very glad that I did, not because it says much I didn’t know already from him and  others but because he succinctly explains what could happen if these valiant, peaceful protests succeed only to be met by the forces behind the current system.

I want to make something very clear: I am not against anything, because being against something is, by definition, negative and I have learned that all negativity breeds more negativity. So, does that mean that we all join hands and sing “Kumbaya” while Rome burns, so to speak? No, decidedly not!

Before I set out what I am for, I want to be clear that there is a distinction between focusing on a negative and beneficial discernment: the former is undesirable since it brings more of the same (negativity) whereas the latter allows us to be aware of what we are up against whilst standing for something positive. It is with discernment in mind that I advocate listening to the video, in order to watch out for ourselves individually and collectively, not to rouse anger and rebellion.

So, what I support is positive evolution of society and mankind by a firm yet peaceful stand for what we want as a collective, not against anything. I stand for:

Power of the individual and the collective
Social justice

And I advocate a stand for this in the face of anything that is less than these things.

I don’t stand for fighting for these things, as that itself is conflict and, therefore, negative. I see a simple image of me stood proudly in public, hand in hand with my fellow humans of equal dedication, saying what we stand for and want and approving only that which meets what we stand for and want and rejecting anything else. Now, once you have seen the video by David Icke, you will see that the protests could indeed be met by solutions that answer the call, solutions that answer stands against certain things. So, for example, to stand up against the banks would appear to be met by greater central regulation and perhaps later a central global bank as anticipated by Mr Icke. Regardless of whether a particular forecast of Mr Icke’s is the actual outcome, it is illustrative of what could happen if we stand against something and not for it.

Instead, we must stand firmly for what we want and what meets those exact broad principles, much as what the founding fathers of the original union of states in North America stood for in the face of the oppression their forebears left behind in Europe. The constitution, before it was tampered with, stood for higher level guiding principles and not for negative controlling laws that have become an ever-increasing mass intelligible only to an elite whose status, often based on manipulation of laws, has lost all public respect.

The simple reality is that we exist and we have power individually and collectively and anything that purports to grants us rights that we have by grace of God (or whatever you choose to call the benevolent universal life force) is a fraud upon the people who have power as a matter of fact: standing firmly but peacefully for what they want can never ultimately be resisted by any self-appointed “authority”. Failure to make such a stand, however, could indeed result in a negative scenario such as the one painted by Mr Icke.

Finally, I say, be not afraid, as fear begets fears; fear begets loss of power; fear empowers those whose values are opposed to what humanity deserves. So, I urge you to beware clarion calls for action against anything and boldly stand for what you want.

A Release from the Prison of Right and Wrong

It’s funny how, even in the most surprising places, there lurk lessons and insights that lift our spirit, if we are open to receiving them. Today, a friend had posted what I would describe as the Facebook equivalent of a greetings card, that is a photo with an inspiring caption. Having thanked her for it, she later posted the following in response:

“With your words I feel good. I feel love. (I may not agree with all :^) )
Bless you bro...♥”

What is interesting is that those simple little words in brackets caught my attention and made me ask myself what she could be referring to, what I may have said in the past that she did not agree with. Being “right” was so important to me that it was a little unsettling but I didn’t let this stop me responding and I just went with the flow and was surprised by what came out:

“Thank you. Take, from anything I or anyone says, whatever feels right for you. What is right for me is not necessarily right for you. But I speak a basic truth. There is a difference between truth and right/wrong. In other words, I do not speak of right or wrong and therefore am not right or wrong. I speak only truth, the truth of the heart. This distinction is important and the right/wrong mentality is one born of a dualistic society run on ego. In that world one must be right or otherwise wrong. I no longer operate by those standards and live only according to my truth, so I am now free of the prison of right and wrong. Hooray! LOL!”

And later I added another follow-up post:

“When I wrote that post and I spoke from my heart without conscious involvement or planning and it just felt good and in my case it truly liberated me from being entrapped by worries about being right or wrong - God knows how trapped lawyers are in that little conundrum! The key thing is to speak from the heart. If we then extrapolate things from the experiences, they are interpretations and those may or may not be accurate but the experience itself cannot be right or wrong, it just IS, as long as the expression of it is words is at least reasonably close to accurate from a heart perspective.”

I find this exchange fascinating, for in it lies the realisation of how much we live in a world of right and wrong and that such a perspective is not real. It assumes things are black and white rather than a wonderful rainbow of truths and a black hole of falsehoods.

The realisation itself, the fresh awareness it brought to me, set me free and all discomfort left me. It also teaches me only to teach by example and leave others to choose those parts that feel right for them and discard the rest; also, to learn by experience and what resonates as right for me rather than what others tells me to think. Imagine if we were taught at school in such an empowering fashion, not filled with someone else’s interpretation of “facts” that become distorted according to the acceptable paradigm of the day: put another way, education is largely a lie, a process of brainwashing people into “acceptable” behaviours and beliefs.

Free of this process, we are at liberty to explore the universe at a whole new level, a level that expresses our true selves and expands it within what feels right for us and not according to what is acceptable to others. Thus the lid comes off the box and we can explode with creativity and confidence in who we are without the need for approval by others. How wonderful would it be for that to become the norm, the way we are trained to be! What wonders would mankind henceforth be able to perform!