Thursday, 1 March 2012

Before the Wells Are Gone

The bottom of the well is full of water. It rises as water flows in from the surrounding land until there is plenty. Then it is gradually depleted until it is filled once more. In this way the gentle ebb and flow of nature is demonstrated. As it breathes in and out, we go from plenty to less but always there is enough to go around when things are in harmony, in balance. The skies fill with water in clouds and rain upon the earth when more is needed, filling up the coffers of reserves in the land. This is the way things work when we are happy and contented with our lot and take only what we truly need and leave the excess.

Now, as we observe a change and heat has scorched some lands and floods immerse and cleanse others, there is imbalance and drought and death as a result. For thousands of years we have slowly turned a heavenly planet into a desert where plenty that was once known throughout is now gone. We will again know our home on Mother Earth as heaven restored as we learn to respect and love first ourselves and then all that is around us, of which we are just part, sharing in everything in a harmonious dance of existence. I pray this time will come before too long.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

An Insane Life!

When I look at myself and ask, “What is it that sets me apart from others?” besides the fact that I am like everyone else, unique, I am drawn to one thing: my commitment, my absolute, seemingly undying commitment to myself, to fulfil myself at the highest possible level in this lifetime.

After all, I am just the same as everyone else in terms of my potential and indeed my source: we are all “chips off the old block”, shards of the universal consciousness. So, knowing that some people out-performing others is not about superiority, given that we each have infinite potential, it can only be one thing: commitment. Nothing else explains the difference between someone who is a couch potato all their life and someone who has an outstanding life.

But commitment to what? To having the best life I possibly can, to making the most of this life till the day I die. To making a difference in the world to the best of my ability.

Since I started writing this piece I also found out something else that sets me apart from others. I don’t live in fear. In fact, I refuse to live in fear. Such is my commitment to life that I expect mainly good things to happen to me and don’t expect bad things to happen very often. When they do there is usually a reason and I love my life this way.

How on earth have humans managed for a hundred thousand years or more without crash helmets, life insurance and medicare? Since when did we decide these were bare essentials of life? Who says I need a nest-egg for retirement - indeed, who says we need or even should retire?

What brought this to a head was listening a talk by a man who was arguing that we are too careful, too safety conscious these days, too scared and I agree. He even cited helmets you can now buy for toddlers to prevent the risk of head damage while children are learning to walk, for goodness sake! How I see it is, you may as well live in a bunker if you want to be that safe!

In fact, why bother to be born in the first place?!

The same question is valid not only for living a life in fear and not venturing out but also for not living a committed life. If we play safe for fear of harm, for fear of failure, for fear of success for fear of inadequacy, what point is there to life?

This may occur as a bold, even offensive, stance. Good! I don’t care! I want people to live wonderful fulfilled lives and, sure, they will die one day but they are likely to die a lot happier from that unforeseen accident (which was going to happen anyway when their time has come!) when they have lived life to the full.

Am I crazy? Probably, if you define sanity by reference to the collective agreement on what is “sane”. As I once said to someone I thought a friend (and now know to be its opposite), I would rather be crazy and this happy than supposedly sane and miserable like most people seem to be...indeed I would sooner die!

Friday, 13 January 2012

Walking My Talk, Not Running a Marathon!

It’s interesting how normally I like to live following my heart, doing what feels right moment by moment, yet when I get into something that I am excited about, it can be harder to listen to myself. I am so excited about the business I hope to launch later this year that I can find the excitement coupled with fears and doubts mix together and produce stress. I think I “should” be feeling a certain way or “should” be doing certain things. But that is rubbish and I know it only too well: it is no more true of this than anything else. In fact, I assert that it is a bare-faced lie that the ego tells to get us back under its wings, its tutelage, its misguidance.

What I found in allowing myself to get into this misguide state, somewhat uncharacteristically, earlier this week was that in forcing things it drained my confidence as I produce inferior work yet this does not happen when I go with the flow. It was very uncomfortable for a couple of days as I ploughed on regardless. However, yesterday I had the wisdom to “down tools”, not in rejection of anything but simply recognising I was not in a suitable state of mind to produce something enlightened and life-changing. When I look at it dispassionately, it is patently absurd to attempt to create something that will supposedly teach people how to access their inner greatness when I am doing the exact opposite! After all, if I practice what I preach, just maybe my customers will get it!

So, now it is the morning of the second day when I have vouched to do nothing unless I feel positively drawn to do it, inspired to do it. I will not resume any form of work until it feels right and I feel no guilt - guilt comes from the “shoulds”, things that common social agreement dictate; that we need to work hard and push ahead with things in order to deserve to succeed and in order to make a living for ourselves, a mentality that makes life a constant state of preparing to run a marathon! What utter nonsense is that?! I work for myself, owing no duty other than to myself and the universal life-force that I purport to serve. Indeed, to fulfil on my obligations to myself and “God” (as I will call that life-force for now), I must not allow myself to be driven by anything other than my heart and in that comes freedom, peace and ultimately effortless creativity. I have experienced this time and time again and yet how easily am I fooled by my ego into a different course of action!

You see, I know what I can do when I trust myself and God; I know I can make a difference to people just by my words when I come from my heart and am true to myself. So I will not sell myself (or God) short by one single ounce.

And the impact of this stand for my true worth? I feel great. No more nagging doubts., fear or guilt. Instead, I feel alive and creative and hungry for expression of the creativity in whatever way shows up for now. Who knows what the day may bring and it doesn’t matter if it has nothing to do with my work: if it doesn’t, I trust that there is a reason and it will work out when it is meant to and not before.

Monday, 9 January 2012

A Second Dawn

Beckoned from dormant consciousness by the wise words of a distant friend, I stir from within as I remember who I am and let go of notions that I am less than that. Gone in a flash, I now sit in my haven of peace, the venue for my redemptive meditations and healings, my dog in semi-slumber at my side offering me the solace of his loyalty and love when tears welled up earlier in the pain of my “sleep”.

Now all I do is cast my mind aside and a subtle smile appears on my now peaceful countenance, for it betrays that the truth has returned to my waking state and lends a lie to the nightmares of the conscious mind that tortured me in the early hours of the day.

I feel slightly silly in fact, the thought that I was so carried away by my fears, so forlorn that I contemplated the release of an early death sooner than face a reality of great disappointment in myself. The foolishness is compounded by the notion that I had thought myself “well travelled” on this journey of life, yet still the ego interrupts and troubles me unchecked from time to time. But even that thought is designed by the ego to flail myself with and so is set free and forgotten, since it means nothing and I allow that I am human and may stray and all is well and as it should be.

The result of this re-awakening is a certain lightness of being, an awareness that the state of “less than” in which I have writhed for some time has caused some discomfort in my physical body caused by indigestion and consumption beyond my needs to fill a gap left by the dormant self, the true self. So now I crave nurturing for my body in the form of clean water to drink and pure juices to wash through this abused vehicle to replenish it and show penance for what has gone on before. So it is then that I pray and make offerings to the temple that is my body, the sacred vehicle of this incarnation. So begins the dawn of my day anew.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

The Lessons Learnt - Reporting a Shamanic Journey of Discovery

As we ventured forth on our journey, we began to notice animals everywhere, at out side, in front and behind us too. They watched as we roamed around looking for clues and found them too. These animals’ eyes were full of light that shone out and lit the way for us too, like torches in the night.

As we went farther, deeper into the abyss, we found more of the same: everywhere the same in fact, no exception, just light and animals in the place of darkness. It is as if they shone a torch of discovery on every dark patch around us until the dark was no more. In their eyes was the truth of our existence, of our oneness with everything, of the love that unites us all.

As our journey ended and we came back into the world of illusion we found ourselves once more separate and without light, but this time armed with what we saw we could make our own light and let it shine out upon the world and slowly but surely will unfold everlasting light, an end to the darkness illusion on Earth.

So, what we take from this experience, from this journey, is what follows: the light in the animals’ eyes is that which will be gleaned on each and every journey undertaken by the many you will engage in your endeavours and all you need do is be true to yourself on that journey and all else will follow as naturally as night follows day. Lead with inspiration, from the heart and never lose faith in who you are, for it will radiate from you like a beacon and bring light to the many who now seek it, forlorn in the dark worlds of their minds. That is all.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Love and The Second Amendment

Today I want to share an anonymised version of something that took place on Facebook. Someone I respect greatly had started a thread relating to the Second Amendment to the US constitution that purports to grant the right to bear arms. Others exchanged views endorsing the bearing of arms to keep crime low, citing statistical evidence that it works. Born and bred as I was in a country where arms are seriously frowned upon and the example of the US in this regard is seen as essentially extremely negative, I was surprised at the stance of people I know are committed to a new golden age of man in which peace and respect for life are paramount and my “opinions” were tendered accordingly but were not popular, “reasons” for their opinions being cited right, left and centre.

In the end, I withdrew my posts which led to the “host” commenting that he was disappointed that I withdrew my comments as my view was as valid as any (which was kind of him) which prompted me to send him a private message which read:

Dear [Joe]

Sorry if my hasty withdrawal from the thread about arms disappointed you. I did it partly because I should not have been in the thread in the first place plus I genuinely felt shocked/disappointed at the stance taken by people I thought committed to a new age. However, such comments by me, even here, are judgmental and may be why spirit has actively discouraged me from any form of expression of opinion.

I stand for love in the world: no conditions, no “but what about...” or “what if...”, just love. As you are well aware, love is beyond the world of reason and debate is in the world of reason and leads us nowhere but towards separation. I believe that only in my standing in a position of absolute commitment to it in the face of all reason will the new age come about - I cannot change others and do not seek to do so and I forgive those who cannot yet see the implications of their own stand that is less than love. It will work out either way in the end, I believe - however, I also believe that in the absence of enough committed people, the path will be much tougher than it needs to be, but if that is the collective will at present, so be it. God’s will be done. To that I am wedded and my opinions mean nothing, my reasons no more than the logical end-game of the experiences of my ego.

So, I stand for reasons, no apologies and no conditions, even in the face of not having a clue how it can happen in these admittedly compelling reasons...but it will. My faith is stronger than are my reasons.

As a closing point, what was interesting was the reaction of the ego-personality you know as Maitland. He was quite upset at the situation and I see that he fears that it may not happen and that is OK - he is human and forgives himself! I hope you forgive me too.

With love and peace always,


Saturday, 31 December 2011

A New Year's Eve Ramble

Once again, a blank sheet before me and nowhere to go, no goal to achieve, no purpose in mind other than the free expression of my true self pouring onto the page before me uncontrolled and with heart-felt passion. So where will you lead me today my lovely inner self, what truths will unfold of the lies untold till now? Will you be mine, true and unlimited or will you withhold yourself until another time and thereby deny your power and grace to all, unseen, hidden, denied, a fraud on the self?

No, I will venture forth and discover what there is to know today, what beauty of revelation exists in simple flow, in letting go of the self in favour of the divine inner me, my own alma mater, my one true friend, myself. Spill it out, spew forth the regurgitated thoughts until they are new and fresh and reborn of I know not what, but reborn they will be anyway, will no end in sight, no purpose, just the quintessentially aimless ramblings of a futile mind and body surrendering to the soul once more.

So, here I am. Take me...for what I am and who I am and be me, the child of a flawless universe, the son of mankind and father of all things, the internal paradox in everything. I am me, all, everything, yet nothing in a vast existence beyond the stars and beyond even the realms of love. Floating aimlessly allows me to see the stars, the world, the universe, the coils sprung deep within life bursting forth in existence that is but transitory, a magical journey as if on drugs but in my case no drug is necessary as I shun pure rigid existence and instead flow within and without, weaving the tapestry of life, neither moaning nor screaming with joy, for in this state there is no point in either state of being, just so, heaven in a state of being beyond feelings, awareness as an observer and nothing more, yet so it is I know myself to be part of the divine order and in surrender to it I am more than I can ever be alone.

So now what...?

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Life is Good!

As I caressed the ever-diminishing remains of my “laughing Buddha” styled tummy, I felt a new love and closeness with my body, a strong urge to treat it as it deserves, with love and respect always. So long has it suffered my excesses, stresses and challenges, now is an awakening to the that part of me, the whole me, that has so sorely been neglected at times, the vehicle of this wonderful incarnation.

Then a short time later I took Lucky (my dog) out for a lunchtime walk and as I passed a neighbour a street away, he smiled and exchanged brief pleasantries in typical Thai style and as I left him I pondered the awareness of the loving way he was painting his front porch and painting pots to match. The colour choices would not have been mine but I saw a light form of love and respect for his home.

So, this second dose of loving respect, this time for an external inanimate object, reminded me of the love I had put into preparing a delicious meal for my partner last night and suddenly, amidst the tripartite experiences of honouring oneself and others and other things with loving respect, I felt a surge of bliss, a sense of wonder at life and the consciousness of love and being at one with everything. It all made sense to me, the love starts with oneself, one’s whole self, mind body and spirit and the more one feels it, the more one heals the lack of it, the greater it is.

Life is good!

Don’t Give Things Up, Just Heal

In the strangest, perhaps most challenging of circumstances on several levels, I find myself truly blissful and indeed excited as I notice myself emerging free of bonds that have tied me for decades, bonds of unnecessary weight and regular alcohol consumption.

The traditional approach to such things is to “give things up” and this creates a tension within the whole self, the mind, body and spirit. The reason the weight and regular beers were there in the first place was to protect me from pain, to give me comfort and numb reality that I secretly perceived as deeply painful; secretly to myself as well, as I had no idea how much pain lay buried deep within my subconsciousness as I went about my life, often smiling even int he face of challenges. But now I face a future of real smiles and peace of mind.

I have prayed for several years to be able to be slim again and not to drink every day as I have, pretty much, for the last 30 years or more, not large amounts all that time but every day without fail for more than 25 of those years!

What I was seeking was, in effect, a healing of the issues that had me feel I needed to be this way and only now do I feel ready to shed this shell I wore to protect me from my heartache. It is a wonderful feeling: having done much work to heal myself and with considerable external help from the forces that help if we ask, this realisation that I am ready has been triggered by the detox diet I am undergoing in which I just don’t miss drinking at all and all I care about is healthy, delicious food, things that honour my body and fill it with energy and a lust for life.

The whole point about this is that doing it this way, healing the underlying causes, it is truly effortless and I have no sense of giving anything up - besides which, I have every intention of enjoying the odd glass of wine or beer, etc. I knew that in order to lead life-changing retreats I should be healed and whole to a level that has shed all addictions and here I am, now ready to receive all that I have been asking for.

I finally see that I am ready to step out into the world, free to yet another level, happy in my skin, yet all of this at a time when some aspects of my life are extremely challenging! What an adventure life is!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Itchy Fingers!

So, it seems my fingers are itching to write something; no particular place to go but a strong desire to express myself from my heart and my fingers are listening, even when I am not!

“Why?”, I hear you say. No reason, just a feeling. Feelings have no reasons. They just are. If only we could live in the feelings of what is and just be. How simple and peaceful that would be. No place to get to, no past to lament or future to long for, just now: the beautiful ever-changing patterns on the clouds at dawn as the sun rises and bring new hues on subtle puffs of white to a myriad variations pink, grey and blue, of wondrous art hewn on the fleeting art of the skies.

As I wonder around in this state of awareness I see new buds and shoots rise amid dying and dead branches and leaves, the whole cycle of life before my very eyes in its own glory, without associated fear that usually accompanies the cycle in humans, so often unaware of their part in nature for all it is.

Next, a sound: the shrill whistling of a small group tropical birds as they call to each other and play as the day breaks and beyond, providing a regular chorus that reminds me not only of their presence and their beautiful song but also the immense beauty all around me in my simple tropical paradise.

Then later in the day as heavier clouds form, the forbidding dark grey tones that promise a heavy downfall are both cause for seeking protection but also for delight as the anticipation grows and shortly before the first drops come, a sudden rush of wind to stir things up and beckon the oncoming rains. Then, in a flash, there it comes, pouring down so fast it fills large tubs in minutes and washes away much of the accumulated detritus since the last storm and I watch as the torrential rains bring freshness to all that surrounds me and invigorates me with its electric energy, its passionate embrace of the earth an act of natural love.

By my very presence in being, I see this and not the sourness of grey skies or the ugliness of dead plants. I see life in all its beauty and I am content.

By way of gift, my fingers bring me beyond the many minor woes of my day to a state of gratitude and joy, the source of the woes, a creation of a busy mind looking at what it thinks should be rather than what is, soon swept aside.