Saturday, 8 January 2011

My Teacher, the Snake

Over two years in Thailand and until just now I have never seen a live snake except in a zoo. My ever growing love of nature in all forms means that I watched in horror as a well-meaning neighbour came to help and bashed it to death. I am wanting to cry even as I type these words. I doubt it was even poisonous. It was horrible.

On later reflection, the lesson for me from this comes in the form of not standing by and watching a death, thinking you can be free of responsibility while someone else does the bludgeoning in your name. Furthermore, it lies in the awareness that in the absence of a clear and direct life-threatening attack, we all have a right to live and to be respected, both me and the snake. I may be a little scared of snakes but I am pretty sure that this one was not poisonous and, even if it was, it could have been removed calmly and without loss of life. Should I kill all the animals in the jungle where I will soon live, lest they harm me? What kind of jungle, what kind of natural haven, would that then be? A very sterile one, one diametrically opposed to the one I seek.

I feel the snake gave me its life to teach me this important lesson and I apologise to it and offer it my gratitude. If I am to teach a deeper and more fulfilling connection with oneself through a profound connection with nature, such lessons are vital. Through this understanding I may now enjoy a deeper connection with my true self as well.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

An Ever-Expanding Awareness

The universe consists of an endless stream of consciousness that stems from the core of everything and this consciousness exists to experiment with itself, to test what it may do and experience as a result and to let advanced awareness within its constituent parts flow through everything, reaching even its outermost corners as it is happening. There is an illusion of time and distance but in reality it is all one place and time. An elaborate mirage set up to expand its self awareness fades as we wake up and see it for what it all is: a game, a challenge, a show.

Viewed this way, we can see new truth, reality beyond the illusion, and it is this veil that is now lifting on humanity for the first time in a very long time. I have experienced growth in awareness at this time and through it I am free of much of the burden of the illusion, the seemingly eternal suffering of human existence. Once you can see it for what it is, there is no reason for anything other than playing the game as it is meant to be played, freely, with an intent to win through and emerge victorious, awakened to a new level of awareness and experience.

There is not much more I can say: simply do what comes to mind and feels right in the moment, as this is the prompt of life, the eternal force of the universe seeking ever greater fulfilment for itself, expansion by another name.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Endless Awakening

Tonight I have woken up, woken up to a still deeper level of understanding about myself and the poor decisions I made based on a hurt little boy whose sister didn’t love him. I have started to realise how my desperation for love and approval by her has had such a deep and negative impact in my life, an impact that was greater than I ever suspected when I first woke up to this reality 10 days ago.

First came the pain, the anger and the hurt that I could have been so foolish, so blind. Then came the realisation that nothing I could do would change it and I was numb for a while. But after that came the awareness that I wanted more; I wanted me, me free of the burdens of this decision that I was somehow to blame for my rejection by her. And as it came slowly and I released the anger and pain and the body slowly healed itself, then came a new level of consciousness, a new level of self awareness and love.

Now that is where I am, as I slowly see the many ways it has impacted me, the acceptances of abuse by others, the tolerance of hatred or disrespect or even jealousy in the desperate hope I would be forgiven for whatever it was I must have done wrong in the first place that was deserving of my punishment.

And from this place of freedom, of self awareness, comes unconditional love in the form of an angel that I drew to help me at this difficult time, my dog, Lucky, that ultimate animal of selfless, unconditional love, bounding down the stairs as I shed my tears, to offer me love, comfort and loyalty in the space left by the void of questioned love.

How can I deny there is a god, a consciousness that pervades everything in the face of this? I cannot and in the wake of this, my stand for myself and the new real me, comes a new awareness in the man I love, an awareness that I will no longer tolerate things that stem from an old me, an old paradigm to which I am no longer betrothed. The love that flows in its wake it real, unconditional and without parallel in my life. The universe has indeed heard my pleas, my cries for help, my promise to be true to it always and replied to me loudly and repeatedly, even when I would not listen and not appreciate its voice it shouted loud and clear. And its voice heard at a whole new level by us both allows a new beginning, a new promise for the future, a future not possible until now.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Embrace or Run Away? The choice is yours!

There is an endless supply of opportunities in life for self improvement: every loss, every challenge, every accident and even every death, presents us with opportunities for growth and advancement. We can embrace life in this positive way or we can run away. The choice is ours.

If we run away, we face life’s challenges as a victim, someone injured by our falls in ways that we will likely never recover from and we lose out hugely as a result as life becomes a struggle to survive.

If we embrace each opportunity, the golden nugget it becomes then fully rewards our courage and fortitude as it brings a learning to strengthen and guide us, whilst incidentally also giving us the benefit of a more positive outlook, with all the joy that it then brings.

My choice was made long ago and I am happier than I ever thought possible. So what will your choice be?

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Reach into your Heart

Reach beyond the stars of your imagination and touch your soul, for in it lies the answer to everything, to all the questions we have asked for aeons, all the untold miseries and how to end them. It is now that all will flow, to allow us to reach the heavens of the mind. There is no obstacle left; you are free once more to soar above your thoughts and limitations, to fly beyond your doubts and leave them all behind, but a distant memory of a painful past.

Gorge yourself on a feast of celestial pleasures that nurture your spirit. Soak up the delights of a life fulfilled by endeavours of the heart. There is no thought too bold, too grand; you may have it all and more now that you know who you are.

Come let me show you all this and more and forever in my heart will I be in bliss as I watch unfold the many consequences of my actions that will ignite a fire of freedom amongst mankind. With it will come a new age of awareness and opportunity, new faith in humanity and our ability to be whatever we desire in our hearts with passion. Bring it on!