Thursday, 6 January 2011

An Ever-Expanding Awareness

The universe consists of an endless stream of consciousness that stems from the core of everything and this consciousness exists to experiment with itself, to test what it may do and experience as a result and to let advanced awareness within its constituent parts flow through everything, reaching even its outermost corners as it is happening. There is an illusion of time and distance but in reality it is all one place and time. An elaborate mirage set up to expand its self awareness fades as we wake up and see it for what it all is: a game, a challenge, a show.

Viewed this way, we can see new truth, reality beyond the illusion, and it is this veil that is now lifting on humanity for the first time in a very long time. I have experienced growth in awareness at this time and through it I am free of much of the burden of the illusion, the seemingly eternal suffering of human existence. Once you can see it for what it is, there is no reason for anything other than playing the game as it is meant to be played, freely, with an intent to win through and emerge victorious, awakened to a new level of awareness and experience.

There is not much more I can say: simply do what comes to mind and feels right in the moment, as this is the prompt of life, the eternal force of the universe seeking ever greater fulfilment for itself, expansion by another name.

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