Saturday, 13 November 2010

The Beginning of the End of Navel Introspection

There are times when it is hard to know what is best: whether you should delve deep into the psyche or simply let go. To over-analyse is to restrict power and, indeed, may even enhance the damaging impact of whatever it is that one seeks to analyse. Often it is better to let sleeping dogs lie, in as much as there is nothing required for healing to take place once it has been requested and instigated.

The old fashioned way of dealing with such things was to ignore them altogether, but this is not at all helpful. Then, in the Twentieth Century it became fashionable to look at things in detail and to analyse everything to the nth degree. But that “navel introspection”, though fascinating intellectually, rarely produced the desired “healing”, since it focused once more on something very painful or disturbing, thereby re-igniting or re-triggering the generation of further, often buried, memories that carry negative energy that then sits within our energy field until it is either removed or we die. It is far better, far more effective in term of healing, to rid oneself of the buried negative emotions or energy without recourse to analysis at all.

This controversial view only makes sense when viewed in the context of energy, not from the viewpoint of accepted societal norms in the West that tend to ignore the importance of energy altogether. One only need look at the impact of treatments that work with energy (such as reiki, acupuncture, reflexology, to name but a few) to see that there is more to this than meets the eye. However, as science slowly wakes up to the truth about energy, it will be seen for its pivotal position in understanding illness and its prevention and cure. Quantum physics has begun to shed light in this area and as it gains common acceptance and the workings of the theoreticians are expanded, so will acceptance of what may currently be seen as a radical perspective.

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